A Gift Box Company Aimed at Helping You

We realized we could make a profound difference by revolutionizing the outdated, expensive, and inefficient way businesses and consumers wrap gifts.

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Easy for customers

Find exactly what you need shipped direct to you.

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Perfect for business

Ready to sell PreWrapped Gifts in your store or have offer gift wrap services? We offer wholesale options.

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How it works

The ultimate gift wrapping solution for individuals and businesses of all sizes.

The Gift Boxes

Why Should I Choose ReadyWrap Gift Box Packaging?

A Vision for More Sustainable Gift Boxes

PreWrapped Gifts is a tightly knit group of experienced packaging innovators. Several years ago, we observed a considerable demand among stores and consumers for Pre-Wrapped™ gift boxes. Unfortunately, time, space, waste, and freight cost wasn't competitive. Many retailers turned to printed and rigid set-up boxes to fill the request. Additionally, a lot of the printed gift boxes and rigid set-up boxes across the industry had moved to China, creating a loss of American jobs and which made shipping even more challenging.

As we slowly wrapped our gifts and experienced the frustration of pouring hours into a simple task, we realized we had to create a competitive, Pre-Wrapped™ gift box with mass-market appeal. In no time, the idea of the Pre-Wrapped™ folding gift box was born, we'd filed for patents and trademarks, and from that point, we are poised to change the world.

The Perfect Gift Wrap Alternative

PreWrapped Gifts is the alternative to inefficient, bland boxes and wrinkled gift bags stuffed with wasteful tissue paper. Our patented and trademarked boxes not only keep your gift looking beautiful, but they also create an enjoyable experience for the recipient while saving you time, money, and protecting the environment.

We knew the most significant test would be showing it to leading gift wrap companies in the US, and their avid interest told us, "we hit our mark." We're thrilled to see what the future brings. Feel free to browse our shop to find the Pre-Wrapped™ gift boxes you need, contact us online for support, and get ready to experience the PreWrapped Gifts difference for yourself today.